Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My 2010 things.

I have been sitting here thinking how can I make my next year 2011, allot better than this year?

Every Year is a lesson to me one the things that I have liked what I have done, and the things that I hated what I have done. Growing older in life has been wonderful blessings for me. I am so grateful for the things that have gotten to do, the places that I have gotten to go, the people that I have gotten to meet, and the stories I get to share one day with all the crazy shit that has crossed my path.

I have a very large family and one thing I would like to do is be more involved with them, more contact with them, and to be able to have my children know my heritage. Sense I have moved to AZ, sometimes I feel lonely from my family, and that we are not as close as we use to be when I was a child. I am from North Baltimore Ohio, and my family use to be together all the time. Family reunions, holidays, birthdays, coffee, the bar, church, or just because. Now that I am older I don't even think some of my family even knows my children's names.

I am going to go thru my whole house and if something haven’t been used in a year or so I am going to sell it or give it away to get out of our house. I am a guilty party of a compulsive shopper alcoholic. I have over spent though out the years on stuff that I wanted but didn't need. I was the same way with my children items as well. I can say growing up as a child I didn't have that much and my family didn't have that much to spend on me the way I have with my children. Some people may say that I spoil my children. That's ok. I just wanted to give to my children that I never got as a child.

I am going to learn how to cook and bake new things. My family and I are kind of tired of the same foods that are prepared in our house. I have collected a large amount of cook books and recipes. I love the internet for the many ways to find recipes and so forth. Who needs to go to Culinary when you have all these cooking shows on TV and the internet to be able to Google anything? They even have places for dummies on cooking like me.

I am going to start working on my back yard. I haven't really done much to the back yard to the new house. I was always in the old houses back yard planting, digging, and watering something. I had lived there for 5 years so my garden had grown wonderful in that time. It was hard for me to leave it. In Arizona allot of people's front and back yards is allot of rocks so the landscaping is allot different from what I was custom to back home.

I would like to read more than what I do already. Everyone that knew my grandma Sandy, She was a forever and quick reader. Other family members were readers as well. I had grown up looking at books. In my home I am sure I have over 3000 books and have only read 20percent of them. I am a American and Current History buff.

I would like to organize my life a little more, as well with organizing my office, garage, house and children's busy schedules. My children have a busy social life and they all have different personalities. Keeps me very busy as well with Eric and I own social life. I am learning that I really don’t have one anymore. I am ok with that because I have had a great life with doing with what I wanted to do and go. I have seen a lot of the United States, concerts, shopping, amusement parks; zoos’s, caves, deserts, and so forth. I am very satisfied with my accomplishments. In my studies of many trades, I have learned that organization is a simpler lifestyle. I need more of that.

Did you know only 15% only stick to their New Years resolutions?

I wounder what percental I will be?

Well I am going to conclude this for now. I have so much I would like to express to myself and maybe others would be able to know a little more about me.

_ Kalyn